Herbie was born at a breeding facility in Florida on March 26, 1986. He was removed from his mother and sold to a family as a pet when he was only a few months old. Herbie spent his youth performing at fairs and private parties throughout the Northwest. As part of his act, he was made to pose with children and adults for photographs. After Herbie became too big and strong, he was dropped off at a mechanics garage and lived in a small holding cage for several years before the owner relocated him to Lebanon, Oregon. At this second “home”, he met another chimpanzee named Kimie. They were housed together in a small cage made of chicken wire, plywood, and tattered blue tarps.
In 1998, the former owners were involved in a bankruptcy and unfortunately, the two chimpanzees were listed as assets. The bankruptcy trustees worked tirelessly for several days to help relocate Herbie and Kimie and contacted the sanctuary to rescue them both.

In September of 1998 both Herbie and Kimie made their way to the sanctuary. Herbie initially had difficulty adjusting to his new home. Because of his upbringing as a pet, the other chimpanzees frightened him, and he struggled to understand their language and social rules. With a lot of positive reinforcement, he eventually settled in and became comfortable with his fellow residents. These days he proudly swaggers around the enclosure wrestling with Jackson and grooming with CJ.
These days he proudly swaggers around the enclosure wrestling with Jackson and grooming with CJ.

Adopt Herbie for one year!
By adopting him here at the sanctuary, your one-time donation of $150 or just $12.50 a month for one year gives freedom for Herbie to live his best life for years to come at his permanent, forever-home. Your adoption package will include an 8×10 photo of him along with his extensive biography, a certificate of adoption, a subscription to the FGA newsletter, and an invitation to our annual Sanctuary Tour.
Donations toward individual adoptions go to support the entire family of chimpanzees at Freedom for Great Apes.